Regional Hourly RAP Analyses and Forecasts


These analysis and forecast maps are updated hourly (at ~t+1:11) from the operational 13km Rapid Refresh (RAP) model.
Clicking on the desired product will load the most recent analysis of that product onto the page. Only one product can be displayed at a time.
You can view the previous 11 hours up through the next 12 hours by placing your cursor over the desired hour below the map (-11h, ..., 0h, ..., +12h).

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TOPO   |   REFL   |   T/Td   |   T/RH   |   SLP   |   850mb   |   700mb   |   500mb   |   200mb  ]

CAPE/CIN   |   THETA-E   |   RH/SRH   |   VertVel/PW   |   LI/MoistConv   |   StrmMot/EHI  ]

-11h -10h -9h -8h -7h -6h -5h -4h -3h -2h -1h 0h +1h +2h +3h +4h +5h +6h +7h +8h +9h +10h +11h +12h LOOP

The Rapid Refresh (RAP) hourly analyses and forecasts are courtesy of NOAA/NCEP.
See also the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR).


Created & Maintained by Brian McNoldy

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